6th Nordic-Baltic Biometric Conference

June 19-21, 2017

Programme overview

Monday 19 June:Conference day 1 and opening reception
Tuesday 20 June:Conference day 2 and conference dinner
Wednesday 21 June:Conference day 3

The conference will include invited sessions (plenary) and contributed sessions (parallel).

Detailed programme

A detailed programme of the conference can be downloaded here (pdf): programme.pdf.

Invited sessions

Session 1Digital epidemiology
Juha Karvanen, University of JyvaskylaExternal information helps to reduce selection bias in health examination surveys
Krista Lagus, Aalto UniversityTo be announced
Ingemar J. Cox, University of CopenhagenInferring health information from non-health sources
Session 2Applied probability models in biosciences
Broňa Brejová, Comenius UniversityInference criteria for hidden Markov models in biological sequence analysis
Stephané Robin, INRADetection of adaptive shifts on phylogenies using shifted stochastic processes on a tree
Mae Woods, University College LondonMathematical modelling and Bayesian inference reveals new insights into structural variation of the human genome
Session 3Functional data analysis
R. Todd Ogden, Columbia UniversityFunctional Data modeling of dynamic PET data
Simone Vantini, Politecnico di MilanoAdvances in local inference for functional data with application to tongue profile analysis
Bo Markussen, University of CopenhagenMarkov Component Analysis and Functional Regression
Session 4Statistics in climate science
Gudrun Brattström, Stockholm UniversityClimate time series: signal, noise and additivity
Johan Lindström, Lund UniversityReconstructing past landscapes - space-time modelling of compositional data with zero counts
James Sweeney, University College DublinAdressing the statistical challenges of estimating past climate from pollen sources
Session 5Longitudinal and time to event data
Cécile Proust-Lima, Université de BordeauxJoint modelling of multiple latent processes and a clinical endpoint: application in Alzheimer’s disease
Kjetil Røysland, University of OsloCausal validity of marginal structural models for event history data and causal local independence graphs
Niels Keiding, University of CopenhagenSurvival analysis around a cross-section and unobserved heterogeneity